Friday, April 17, 2009

Spring Time

Spring. That is a word that gets my juices flowing. I find myself tinkering with my warm weather fishing gear even when the ice hasn't quite released its grip on the reservoirs near my home. The period where there is just enough ice to make the water inaccessible, but there isn't enough to walk on is the most frustrating time for me. Then, finally all the ice goes away and its time to get out, launch the boat and find fish.

This year is no exception. I will be putting my first day on the open water this Sunday the 19th and hopefully I will land my first fish of the month of April. I am planning on fishing Lower or Upper Sunshine Reservoir near Meeteetse. I need the splake and yellowstone cutthroats to bite because my fish supply is awfully low. I guess all the fish frys and smoked fish will do some damage to the stockpile I had going.

I don't think there is anything better than taking the boat out on the water for the first time after a long, cold winter. It is like a shot of hope that the weather will improve, and that there will be big fishing days to come. I have a mental image of holding up a huge fish after only a few minutes on the water. Maybe that dream will come true here soon.

This spring will be different from years past however. I am going to start this season without my dad for the first time. I am not sure how I will react to that feeling but I have to keep the traditions alive. I know he would want me to.

In closing, here is a photo of my dad with the last fish that he caught. Be safe out there on the water.

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